Hi All you wonderful followers from the home birth debate site. Or is it neonatal doc? I seem to be getting some traffic here and will try to post more often. Thanks.
Has Dr Amy been here yet? My life is enough to make her blood boil. I believed in the medical mill before my first baby. I even updated my immunizations before trying to concieve. Now I will not immunize, and feel safer birthing alone, than with a herd of medicos shouting at me.
I blows my mind how some people feel that because a certain choice is better for them, it should be good for me too. From unassisted home birth to elective C section, it should be the woman's choice. Who are we to say what she should do? Why does Dr. Amy spend so much energy with her bombasts. I can't really call it a debate, she just misdirects, she hasn't done one valid refution yet.
British Doc has been a shining beacon of light from England. He said that there, the lower income moms are more likely to birth at home. It's not just for the well educated white women. He shows how normal and accepted homebirth is there. Homebirth paid for by public assistance? Did I really hear him say that? Sounds too good to be true.
Thanks to all my new visitors. Seems like my comments aren't just sent off into etherspace never to be seen again. I may not be able to help Dr. Amy, but at least now I don't feel so alone.
Take back your rights. Our medical choices are being governed by others' religious beliefs.
Frankly, I'm surprised Dr Amy hasn't been to your site yet. I am floored about how she draws some of her conclusions on her site. Though, I do understand that she is coming from a medical model of care when it comes to obstetrics, so actually expect her to blast on homebirth advocates. (Not that I agree with what she says!!) I also see far too many medical model of care nurses where I work too, as well as the midwives I work with (most of whom I call "Medwives".) I can't count how many times I've had to debate with other nurses, midwives, and doctors about homebirth!
Hi Sue!
I've been banned from Dr. Amy's site for "advertising for free" with a referral to my blog. I just wanted to drop a note and say I appreciate all of your comments on her blog since you discovered it. I was listed as "Clever ID" before my browser started calling me yet another Anonymous.
I put a link to your blog on mine.
Kris, I added your link. Do you see it, or did it slide most of the way down the right side?
Thank you for speaking out against her. I just found her recently because I've been writing homebirth articles and she's advertising in the google ads space I can do nothing about. She's a real piece of work...
instinctivemama, are you talking about Adsense words on your own site? Because you can block her ads. If you need help, let me know!
Dr. Amy likes to visit sites where the owner is anti-homebirth, to join in to help them fight off the homebirth advocates. She doesn't like to tread on enemy territory. Perhaps she is afraid of confrontation or secretly knows in her heart that she is wrong and doesn't want to be exposed. Maybe she is insecure. Maybe she wants the site owner to protect her from anyone who fights fire against fire, turning her tactics around on her. I don't know. A counter blog has been started, hospitalbirthdebate.blogspot.com where hopefully we can debate the subject respectfully and intelligently. Check it out if you like. I totally agree with your post. Amy's site is NOT a debate site. It's a propaganda posting zone where anyone who disagrees ends up getting banned.
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