Friday, October 05, 2012

United Airlines actually said no breastfeeding on planes is company policy?

The link above leads to a very disturbing article about United. I am outraged that this could happen.

To deny a baby the right to eat because there is no bottle is discrimination. This mother would not have been harrassed in such a manner if she was using a bottle.

Nursing a child should not expose a mother to shame based on the bottle standard. You have no right to deny children comfort and food due to the complaints of other passengers. How can the comfort of an adult compare to the needs of a child?

Without an immediate statement of company policy which supports nursing moms, you should expect a flurry of outrage.

As the due date goes by again, I think of Alex

Why doesn't having a live daughter's birthday the day before cushion the blow of the dead baby's due date?  It seems harder this year, since I think I had a miscarriage again this month.  I've never had a three week visit from Aunt Flo without a baby being involved somehow.

And I only took one day off work while that was happening.

An acquaintance lost her full term first born this week.  That hit me hard too.  I'd never even met her, but I can still send prayers.

Has it really been three years already?  Sometimes it feels like I can still feel Alex rolling around inside me.  Leaves me wondering if I ever really felt him move.  Could Hubby have felt gas kick him?